Intro and Quick Start ********************* Intro ===== `django-redis-cache`_ is a cache backend for the `Django`_ webframework. It uses the `redis`_ server, which is a in-memory key-value data structure server. Similar to the great `Memcached`_ in performance, it has several features that makes it more appealing. * Multiple data structures types, e.g. string, list, set, sorted sets, and hashes. * Atomic pipelines: guaranteed that multiple commands will run sequentially and uninterrupted. * Pub/Sub: subscribe to a channel and listen for messages from other processes. * Can back data to disk, which can keep a cache warm even if the process is killed. * Lua scripting * Clustering (as of 3.0) * Many more. Many of these features are irrelevant to caching, but can be used by other areas of a web stack and therefore offer a compelling case to simplify your infrastructure. Quick Start =========== **Recommended:** * `redis`_ >= 2.4 * `redis-py`_ >= 2.10.3 * `python`_ >= 2.7 1. Install `redis`_. You can use ```` to install a local copy of redis. Start the server by running ``./src/redis-server`` 2. Run ``pip install django-redis-cache``. 3. Modify your Django settings to use ``redis_cache``. .. code:: python CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'redis_cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': 'localhost:6379', }, } .. _Django: .. _django-redis-cache: .. _redis-py: .. _redis: .. _python: .. _Memcached: